Friday, April 24, 2015

So excited!!!

I am so excited you guys!!! we have 49 views and counting, woot woot, I also just figured out how to add a chat section!!!!!! I am slowly but surly figuring this out one day at a time!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

24 hours!!!!

Well it has been about 24 hours since I created the blog and there have been 41 views!!! I am ecstatic about this number!! I have not had any questions so far so I figured I would start it out and give you all an idea.

I have suffered with Divorce (as an adolescent) and have also helped my father deal with the divorce. Any of you going through this and not sure how to feel about it, how to cope with it? ASK AWAY I am here for you, and thank you all so much for the views so far!

Lets do this


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

How this is going to work?

So I want this to be an interactive blog where you can privately ask for advice on ANYTHING! I figure the best way to make this interactive is to post my responses directly onto the blog home page, I will not be posting any specifics about you just your questions and how I am going to respond unless of course you request otherwise. What do you guys think, can you think of a better way? let me know in the comments below or send me a pm which you can do via the contact me spot on the left hand side of the page.

What this is?!?!

I'm sure you are all wondering who the hell I am. Well I am not going to dive to far into that because I want to be able to give advice without you thinking you know who I am and how I might think. I am a mother, I am a wife, and above all I am a person. I want to give advice because I have been told I am pretty good at it, so lets try this out together. Ask me anything at all and I will do my best to help. My promise to you all is to be honest with my life experiences and give you the most raw advice I can, you may not like it at times but do we not all need that from time to time, a random ass person to talk to, to vent to, to express worry and joy without the worry of judgment? Hell ya we do and that's what I am!