Thursday, July 30, 2015

Deep Question

A friend of mine posted on Facebook today about abortion, I know I know touchy subject, but I want to get some other opinions. I have my own personal views on abortion which is in certain circumstances it is understandable.  Here is a scenario for you.

A girl is raped, a few months later she discovers that she is pregnant. is abortion ok in this situation, why or why not? I am very open so be very honest but keep it respectful!

Also have any of you had to make this terribly hard decision, if so what did you do and would you change it. I already know what general society's opinion is but I want to know what actual people feel and maybe we can give each other insight on the topic.

(Keep it kind, Keep it respectful, Keep it honest, and Keep an open mind to other beliefs than your own)

1 comment:

  1. Let me know your thoughts here, in the live chat feed, or e-mail me!
